Monday, December 30, 2013

On the Desktop

I have now gotten back to the OS X world and am setting up my computer for productive use in my studio. One of my favorite system applications is GeekTool, a very nifty little program which lets you display information from various sources directly on your desktop. As you see below, I have made my clock and calendar information run on the desktop, so all I need to do is glance at it. I love doing this. I’ve also written a little python script that calculates the days since or until the Solstices, Equinoxes and the Cross-Quarter celebrations which happened in between them. This is a fun little script that I host on github. It was super nice to write this, although to run it on your machine, I must note that it depends on another package called pyephem. You can see the results of this program in the light blue text. And where did I get that wallpaper from, geez, I really can not remember, possibly here.

Screengrab 0

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hello World(reboot)

Two years ago, my Hackintosh died on me. I was sad. I had had a computer running OS X for nearly a decade at that point, and there was a great deal of data left on the hard drive. Yup, there was a back up. During that time, I have been going through the same sort of employment crisis that a high percentage of my fellow Americans have been going through, thus the expense of shelling out for a replacement computer has been prohibitive. Not even the Craigslist Apple market was somewhere that I felt I could get another OS X device. 

Long and dull story short.

I have one now. I have begun to set it up and to configure it to do things. What sort of things? Well, I don’t exactly know for certain. When my old one died, I was just getting into learning Objective-C. During the past two years, I’ve done some python programming on a Linux environment. Now, I’d like to experiment and find out what I can create using this iMac.

This is but the beginning of my journey.